United States, February 27, 2025.
Letter No. 6.
Duong Xuan Luong.
Dear Ms. Janet Hoskin, Professor, University of
Southern California.
Letter No. 6 aims to clarify two issues.
First: The Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do is independent of the Phap
Mon Chieu Minh Tam Thanh.
Second: The Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do is not Ngoại giao cong
truyen (external teachings transmitted publicly) in the sense of being related
to or comparable to the Noi giao tam truyen (internal teachings transmitted
mentally) of the Phap Mon Chieu Minh Tam Thanh. Therefore, the Dai-Dao Tam-Ky
Pho-Do is not the Phai Pho Do (Universal Salvation Sect) in the sense of being
related to or comparable to the Phái Vo Vi (Non-action Sect) of the Phap Mon
Chieu Minh Tam Thanh. The second problem is a consequence of the first problem.
I would like to
sincerely thank the Professor for sending the article in Vietnamese: Human
and the Ability of Theological Creativity by Pham Cong Tac so that I can
understand exactly the issues in the article.
Excerpts from the article:
Excerpt 1: page 05, Links with Other Leaders: Vo Vi
Sect – Pho Do Sect (end of excerpt.)
Excerpt 2: page 6, Following the instructions they
received at the spirit medium session with Mr. Chieu, the Saigon spiritualists
set up a similar altar at Mr. Trung's house, and on New Year's Eve 1926, they
received an official message from the Jade Emperor, opening the Dai-Dao Tam-Ky
Pho-Do (end of excerpt).
Excerpt 3: page 6, Because Mr. Chieu received the
first signal, and he is still considered the “first follower” of Cao Dai, but
soon he withdrew all efforts to form a mass movement. In a spirit medium
session, he was invited to become the Giao-Tong, but he refused when he saw
that it was not this invitation, but other worldly temptations that prevented
him from immersing himself in spiritual search as the most important thing.
Instead, he retired to Can Tho, where he taught other followers about the sect
that later became known as the “Vo-Vi sect” (also called the Noi giao tam
truyen) (end of quote).
End of page 01
Excerpt 4: page 6, The Pho-Do sect of Cao Dai (or Ngoai
giao cong truyen “exoteric paganism”) goes in a completely opposite direction:
Marches were organized to recruit thousands of new members, regulations were
made easier for most followers (ten-day vegetarianism per month), and
initiation into the religion focused on providing emergency aid to millions of
people in the face of the current apocalyptic threat to the world (end of quote).
The purpose of this article is to clarify the two
issues mentioned above, so it is necessary to base on documents and process
information from documents. Observing the books related to Dai-Dao Tam-Ky
Pho-Do, abbreviated as Cao Dai established in 1926 at Go Ken Pagoda, I see two
aspects. First: sources issued by the Cao Dai Church; Second: sources not
issued by the Cao Dai Church.
Regarding belief: I base in the scriptures (legal form) promulgated by
the Cao Dai Church as the basis. Regarding faith, the scriptures of the Cao Dai
Church are censored, meaning there is caution, there is a place of long-term
responsibility. Regarding consequences, the Supreme Being established the Cao
Dai Church, which is to establish the Holy Body of the Supreme Being in the
world and announced it to society; thus, there are 3 levels of responsibility:
the writer, the Cao Dai Church, and God. Ultimately, if the Cao Dai Church does
something wrong, God will be responsible for compensation. This is like someone
buying insurance and finding a good insurance company. If an accident happens,
that insurance company will be able to take responsibility. (See also note 1)
For me, scriptures not censored by the Cao Dai Church
are only for reference, if they are consistent with the content promulgated by
the Cao Dai Church, they can be used as a supplement. I do not believe in
content that is contrary to the scriptures of the Cao Dai Church, the main
reason is that there is no caution (because no one censors), and only the
writer is responsible (one level of responsibility). As I understand it,
believing in scriptures not issued by the Cao Dai Church is like buying insurance
that the insurance company is not able to pay in case of an accident.
God teaches: One immoral sentence will lead to a
thousand years of damnation… meaning that one immoral sentence spoken or
written will lead to a thousand years of damnation. The writer must take
responsibility for his writings. Therefore, I put my trust in the scriptures
promulgated by the Cao Dai Church; I do not risk believing in other writers (if
it is contrary to the scriptures promulgated by the Cao Dai Church).
End of page 2
Legally: Any individual or organization has the right
to freely research, compile, print and publish books about Cao Dai. However,
any book that does not have the censorship seal of the Cao Dai Church and that
has the title Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do written on the cover is an act of
impersonation. Such impersonation violates the Constitutional Program in
Articles 22 and 24 of the Cao Dai Church that I presented to the Professor in
Letter No. 5, Section 4.2. The impersonation is as if an individual or organization
other than Professor Janet Hoskin wrote and published a book with the name of
Professor Janet Hoskins on the cover.
1/- The Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do, abbreviated as Cao Dai.
God used a planchette to establish the Dai-Dao Tam-Ky
Pho-Do, or Cao Dai in short, in 1926 at Go Ken Pagoda, Tay Ninh. The Cao Dai
Church has its central headquarters at the Toa Thanh Tay Ninh.
Principle: From many different forms back to one origin, and
the Way goes from the visible to the invisible. That is, from many different
forms returning to the origin (which is God); the Dao (Way) goes from the
visible (The-Phap) to the invisible (Bi-Phap). Cao Dai religion brings humanity
into the school of God.
The Phap Chanh Truyen Chu Giai says: Cao Dai religion
has the The-phap (religious symbol) and the Bi-phap (Content). The Supreme
Being teaches to open the The-phap first, then the Bi-phap. (The Duc Ho Phap taught
the Pham-Mon on May 30, Quy Ty, “July 10, 1953”).
Planchette: Managed by Hiep Thien Dai, God chooses 16
mediums who are 16 Generals to spread the religion. God only descends through
16 mediums. Each time Dai Ngoc Co is requested, there must be two mediums.
Thanh That Cao Dai are not allowed to use planchette.
The term of the Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do is 700,000
1.1/- Vong Thien Cau-Dao (Looking to Heaven for the Way). According to the Dao-Su
(History of the Way) by Mrs. Huong Hieu, volume 1, page 34, US edition 1995.
End of page 3
On December 16, 1925 (November 1, At Suu), three men,
Cao Quynh Cu, Pham Cong Tac and Cao Hoai Sang, Vong Thien Cau Dao (looked up to
heaven to seek the Way).
Each of the three of them held nine incense sticks and
knelt on the street and prayed: "We bow to Cao Dai God, please grant us
enough blessings to repent and return to the right path."
The History of Religion says: The day of Vong Thien
Cau Dao is about to open the Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do. The Saints guided the three
men little by little, meaning that the three men had just entered the school of
1.2/- Important events after the Vong-Thien Cau Dao.
On January 3, 1926 (November 19, At Suu), the God
taught about the Planchette - Writing.
On January 11, 1926 (November 27, At Suu), Mr. Le Van
Trung entered the Cao Dai religion.
After January 28, 1926 (December 15, At Suu), Mr. Ngo
Van Chieu came to cooperate with Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do.
On February 13, 1926 (January 1, Binh Dan), God taught
to open the Co Pho Hoa (Universal Planchette) or Co
Pho Do (Public Planchette) (1). Many people misunderstand that the Dai-Dao
Tam-Ky Pho-Do is Co Pho Do or Phai Pho-Do (Pho-Do sect).
February 20, 1926 (January 9, Binh Dan) God taught: Your
BRANCH is the BRANCH that I am in charge of, you will understand later.
On April 26, 1926 (March 15, Binh Dan), there was the
first Thien Phong ceremony. Mr. Ngo Van Chieu came and saw many people, so he
left without attending the ceremony. From then on, each went their separate
ways. The time Mr. Chieu cooperated was less than three months.
On September 29, 1926 (August 23, Binh Dan), the
Declaration of Religion to the French Government did not include Mr. Ngo Van
On November 18, 1926 (October 14, Binh Dan), the Opening Ceremony at Go Ken Pagoda, without Mr. Ngo Van Chieu.
End of page 4.
1.3/- Cao Dai Church and Mr. Ngo Van Chieu.
The Cao Dai Church censored and published the History
of Religion by Mrs. Huong Hieu, so that is the viewpoint and responsibility of
the Cao Dai Church. According to History of Religion, Mr. Chieu did not accept
responsibility for the Giao-Tong's failure to listen to God's teachings. That
was Mr. Chieu's fault towards God, and others were not allowed to criticize. The
fifth precept: Do not lie: … do not expose other people's faults, …
ridicule, criticize …. Therefore, Cao Dai followers rarely mention other people's
mistakes (Mr. Chieu), so many people like Mr. Dong Tan, the Co Quan Pho Thong
Giao Ly 171B Cong Quynh Saigon... have spread very wrong things that tie Mr.
Ngo Van Chieu to the Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do.
After tying it tightly, it is divided into: The
Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do is the Phai Pho-Do (Universal Salvation Sect), the Ngoai
giao cong truyen (externally transmitted religion), the Cao Dai Religion, the
body; Phap Mon Chieu Minh Tam Thanh is the Phai Vo-Vi (Vo Vi Sect), the Noi
giao tam truyen (inner religion transmitted by heart), the Cao Dai Great Way,
the soul of the Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do.
I respect Mr. Chieu very much and I understand that
Mr. Chieu has been taken advantage of by later generations. But this is a
matter of justice, the truth needs to be clarified so I am forced to quote the
full text so that the Professor can understand the truth: Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do
is independent of Mr. Ngo Văn Chieu. The following are excerpts from Dao Su by
Mrs. Huong Hieu, printed in 1995, USA.
1.3.1/- Volume 1, page 94:
Mr. Ngo Minh Chieu: (1) 1 Giao Tong shirt embroidered
with the Eight Trigrams talisman and 1 Giao Tong crown.
(1) Mr. Ngo Minh Chieu should have been appointed Giao
Tong, but unfortunately on the day of the Thien Phong Altar, Mr. Chieu came and
saw many people, he was afraid and left, so he was not appointed Giao Tong, and
later lost his rank (end of quote).
1.3.2/- Volume 1, page 104. (April 1926)
Trung, Cu, and Tac immediately went to see Chieu and
told him to buy a white set of heavenly clothes. On his head, Chieu did not
wear a turban but a white crown with the word "Can" embroidered in
gold. The children told Chieu to buy really good goods, the same for the crown
and the clothes.
… Hieu, you have to work hard again. Teacher have
assigned children a sewing job. Children must finish it on time. Children must
finish it by the 15th (end of excerpt).
End of page 5
1.3.3/- Volume 1, page 107. (April 22, 1926)
Hieu finished sewing the Giao-Tong's crown and
presented it to the Master to see.
That's right, but no one is wearing the crown,
children don't need to do it quickly. (The Supreme Being knew in advance that
Mr. Chieu would not take the position of Giao-Tong, so he said this) (end of quote)
1.3.4/- Volume 1, page 109 (April 24, 1926)
Chieu has cultivated himself and is also a beloved
disciple of the Master, so the Master wants to give him the title of Giao-Tong,
but Chieu, because of his dark thoughts, has offended the Master's majesty and
has become immoral, no longer worthy to guide you, so the Master cuts off his
reward. The Master will definitely leave the position of Giao-Tong to wait for
someone worthy, or the Master will come and teach you himself….
Chieu is a person with a good foundation and a good
life; The Master used miracles to subdue and save him before saving you. Many
times, the Master gathered the Disciples together, Master relied on Chieu to
lovingly incubate them, like a mother hen incubates her chicks. But Chieu did
not obey the Master's orders but instead bit and pecked and chased them away.
How could Chieu be worthy of the great responsibility the Master intended to
entrust to him? The Children do not expect salvation for him. Listen and obey
Master command (end of quote).
1.3.5/- Volume 1, page 111. (April 25, 1926)
Mr. Cu asked the Master: All the Disciples came to the
table of Ngu Loi and Vi Ho Phap to swear and bow to the Two Dau-Su, but what
about Anh-Chieu?
Master will wait for his repentance, because he has
been fearfully praying to the Master for the past few days. He must also bow
down like the other Disciples (end of quote).
1.3.6/- Volume 1, page 112 (night of April 25-26,
Master accepted the first request, but the second must
be obeyed. The disciples knelt down and bowed to the Teacher, "Please
forgive Mr. Chieu."
Chieu lacks virtue and talent.
End of page 6
Trung, who do you fear?
I am not partial to anyone.
I know better than you.
Don't I know how to love?
That is also because of lacking virtue.
He already knows Me. (end of quote).
1.3.7/- Volume 1, page 112 (April 26, 1926).
Chieu, you do not fear my orders, then who will fear
my orders? I wait for you.
Chieu, if you do not obey my orders, who else will? I
have said that the leader of the Three Religions, I have established the Way
for you many times, yet you despise that.
I have decided you dare to change.
The autocrats from
then on abandoned the old play,
Listening to flattery, listening to praise, you should also give up the habit.
Repent I will let you practice for a few months,
Do not rely on Talent or dancing skills to compete and deceive (end of article).
1.3.8/- Volume 2, page 41. (November 26, 1926)
Tho he offered to pray... Laughing...
The Master has compassion. The Master has said that
His compassion is greater than criticism, so He never criticizes you. However,
before the power of Gods, Saints, Immortals, and Buddhas, how can we save you?
The Master had to keep silent to avoid losing justice.
Tho thought that the Master was angry and begged for
forgiveness. The Master was fine, but how could he beg the Gods, Saints,
Immortals, and Buddhas? Especially the Thai Bach Kim Tinh, it was very
difficult. Chieu also lost his throne because of that.
End of page 7
Children, do not easily blaspheme, remember this (end of quote).
1.3.9/- Quyển 2, trang 178 (16 Janvier 1927)
Thuong Trung Nhut, but those few pieces of Thien Nhan
(Eye of God), should also be accepted to please the Master... Laugh....
Mr. Chieu prayed and repented every day and devoted
himself to practicing morality with his friends.
The Master asked Lao to forgive Chieu, but how could
he forgive him? If Lao did not keep the rules strictly, the religion would be
in chaos.
Lao does not forgive, but you, the Wise Ones, should
accept those pieces of Heavenly Eyes to follow God's will, and it is also a way
to make people understand that you, the Wise Ones, were wrongly accused in the
past (end of quote).
1.4/- Compare the legality of religion and the
Professor's comments.
The Cao Dai Church has censored the above 9 excerpts,
which are evidence that Mr. Ngo Van Chieu did not follow the teachings of God
and so separated from the Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do. Therefore, anyone who ties the
Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do to Mr. Chieu is doing something wrong.
Those who argue that the Phap Mon Chieu Minh Tam Thanh
is Noi giao tam truyen “an inner teaching transmitted by the heart” (inaction);
while the Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do is Ngoai giao cong truyen “an outer teaching
transmitted by the public” (tangible) are even more seriously wrong; that is
just their delusion.
God used a planchette to establish the Dai-Dao Tam-Ky
Pho-Do, or Cao Dai for short, in 1926. Cao Dai is a legal religion with full
meaning as presented to the professor in previous letters, especially Letter
No. 5. Cao Dai has it’s The-phap and Bi-phap, so it is independent from the Phap
Mon Chieu Minh Tam Thanh.
The professor wrote about Mr. Chieu on page 6: He
never rewrote any doctrine or teaching… (end of quote).
Page 6 The Professor writes: The Phai Pho Do
(universal salvation sect) of Cao Dai (or “Ngoai giao công truyen” exoteric
paganism) goes in a completely opposite direction... (end of quote).
End of page 8
One thing is very clear: the Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do has
a term of 700,000 years and the Phap Mon Chieu Minh Tam Thanh has a term of
1,500 years; the two organizations have different terms, so any association to
create one organization as Ngoai giao cong truyen (an externally transmitted
religion) and the other as Noi giao tam truyen (an internally transmitted
religion) is completely absurd. The Phap-Mon's term of 1,500 years is very
short compared to 700,000 years, so after the Phap-Mon's term ends, will the
Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do have to hop on one leg until the end of its term? In
short, it is wrong to put the organization with a term of 700,000 years and the
organization with a term of 1,500 years together.
In fact, the Phap Mon Chieu Minh Tam Thanh also has
Ngoai giao cong truyen (external teachings transmitted publicly) and Noi giao
tam truyen (internal teachings transmitted mentally). This is the source from
the book Lich Su Quan Phu Ngo Van Chieu (History of the Government of Ngo Van
Chieu) as evidenced below.
2/- Mr. Ngo Van Chieu studied with Cao Tien.
The title currently recognized by the Vietnamese
government has 14 words: Cao Dai Dai Dao Chieu Minh Tam Thanh Vo Vi founded by
Mr. Ngo Minh Chieu in Can Tho in the years 1924-1926.
2.1/- The book History of Ngo Van Chieu Officials was published by Phap Mon Chieu Minh Tam-Thanh, so it
has full legal status with Phap Mon.
2.1.1/- Term of Phap Mon: 1,500 years.
Please invite Professor to see the Letter written by
Mr. Chieu in the Book History of Ngo Van Chieu Officials, pages 114 and 115;
(2: photos 1 and 2).
Mr. Chieu wrote: The Tao of Cao Tien here
is called Thien Hoang (1) from the year 1924 (2) called the first year of the
Dai-Dao foundation counting to 500 years, from 501 to 1,000 years later is Dia
Hoang, then from 1001 to 1500 years later is Nhon Hoang (3)
End of page 9
... Thien Hoang from 1924 to 2424 = 500 years
Dia Hoang 2424 to 2924 = 500 years
Nhon Hoang 2924 to 3424 = 500 years
Total: 1,500 years.
Don't show it to anyone, don't let anyone know,
because no one will believe it, and they will even ridicule it. They consider
hard work to be superstitious, but easy joy to do, they consider right (end of quote).
2.1.2/- The Phap Mon Chieu Minh Tam Thanh has two parts: Ngoai giao cong truyen (External
teachings transmitted publicly) and Noi giao tam truyen (Internal teachings
transmitted from the heart).
Page 138 (photo 3) says: Chapter Three, Catechism. …
3/- Ngoai giao cong truyen (Paganism and Public
4/- Noi giao tam truyen (Internalism and Spiritual
Page 140 (photo 4) writes: Like ancient religions, in
His teachings there are two branches:
3/- Ngoai giao cong truyen (Paganism and Public
Page 148
(photo 5)
4/- Noi giao tam truyen (Internalism and Spiritual
2.1.3/- The Phap Mon goes from the visible to the
Page 140 (photo 4) says:
Another very important characteristic is that, unlike
before, His teachings start from the visible and gradually go to the abstract invisible: thus, followers understand the wonderful
principles hidden in the visible part, without falling into the trap of form,
sound, etc.
End of page 10
2.1.4/- Page 62 says:
More than a month later, Co Pho Do again published a
Holy Word to expel Him (dated June 25, Binh Dan).
But, let alone the Holy Words of the mediums from 1926
until now, just comparing the few Holy Teachings in this "History"
book is enough to clearly see how false the story of "expulsion" is.
In the book published by the Cao Dai Church, I could
not find the planchette dated June 25, Binh Dan above, so I do not know the
truth. But the above content contributes to clarifying the independence of the
Cao Dai Church and Mr. Ngo Van Chieu from each other after April 26, 1926.
2.2/- The article “Pham Tu” in the book "Dai Thua
Chon Giao": written with false information.
Tan-Luat (New Law) Article 12 stipulates that in the
Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do there are two levels: Inferior Vehicle and Superior
Vehicle. The New Law does not have the Mahayana level, but due to the content
of the Pham Tu and the Bai Ca Tung, it needs to be clarified.
Mr. Tran Van Que established the 8-word title CAO DAI
DAI DAO TAM KY PHO DO as his religious freedom. Those who have the above 8-word
title seek spiritual guidance and also have the right to religious freedom and
belief. That matter has nothing to do with Dai-Dao Tam Ky Pho-Do, but the
problem lies in Pham Tu, the Bai Ca Tung (Praise Song) of Mr. Tran Van Que is a
Dao-Huu of Truoc Ly Minh Dai. I respect Mr. Tran Van Que very much, but this is
a matter of justice, so I have to tell the truth.
Mr. Tran Van Que is a man with many degrees in society, teaching at Universities, He was a man who was imprisoned for his patriotism. But when Mr. Tran Van Que wrote Pham Tu, the Praise Song in Dai Thua Chon Giao, Mr. Que wrote that the Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do sect
End of page 11
was untrue,
it was to lower the value of the Dai-Dao founded by God Himself.
Mr. Tran Van Que received the title of Le Sanh of
Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do, then he left the Toa Thanh Tay Ninh to follow the Minh
Chon Ly sect, then went to Tien Thien sect... In 1956, Mr. Que was the Chu
Truong (Head) of the Hoi Thanh Truyen Giao Trung Viet, with the titles of Phoi
Su, Chanh Phoi Su, and was posthumously awarded the title of Dau Su (1980).
In 1965, Mr. Que
was invited to be the Tong-Ly Minh Dao, of the Co Quan Pho Thong Giao Ly 171B
Cong Quynh. In 1969, the Cao Dai Church and the Cao Dai sects signed the 09
Conditions of Unification to the Toa Thanh Tay Ninh without Mr. Que's name.
Therefore, Mr. Dong Tan, a disciple of the Hoi Thanh
Truyen Giao Trung Viet, continued to propagate the mistakes of Mr. Tran Van
Que. When the Cao Dai Church was abolished by the communist government, the Co
Quan Pho Thong Giao Ly 171B Cong Quynh raised the mistakes of Mr. Tran Van Que
even higher, with the purpose of using those mistakes to rewrite the history of
Cao Dai. Why do they do that? That's an important question, so it's a different
3/- Conclusion.
The truth is that the Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do and the
Phap Mon Chieu Minh Tam Thanh are two completely independent organizations. The
professor also commented that the two organizations have two opposite
directions. Therefore, any role assignment for the two organizations above in
the sense of being related or being paired together such as the Ngoại giao cong
truyen (external teachings transmitted publicly), Noi giao tam truyen (internal
teachings transmitted mentally), Phai Pho Do (Universal Salvation Sect), Phái
Vo Vi (Non-action Sect) … is wrong with the truth, wrong with the history of
Cao Dai.
End of page 12
I would like to
sincerely thank the Professor for studying and introducing Cao Dai. I wish the
Professor much success in his research on Cao Dai.
Duong Xuan Luong.
Email: hoabinhchungsong220513@yahoo.com
Captions and
(1)/- The
planchette in Cao Dai religion has many aspects: The planchette of saints, the
planchette of salvation or the planchette of popularization, the planchette of
secret methods...
Co Pho Hoa (Universal
Planchette) also has other names such as Co Pho Do (or Planchette for Universal
Salvation, also known as Planchette for Evangelization) which opened on January
1, Binh Dan. It means that God sent Generals (mediums) to go to the localities
to set up altars and recruit believers. In a Co Pho Do (universal salvation
ceremony), there are usually two parts: the first is teaching the dharma and
the second is accepting disciples. On October 10, Binh Dan (November 14, 1926),
God instructed to stop the Co Pho Do (Universal Salvation Ceremony) to focus on
the Inauguration Ceremony on November 18, 1926 (October 14, Binh Dan) at Go Ken
Then God allowed
the Co Pho Do (universal salvation) to continue, until June 1, 1927. God
ordered that by the end of June 1927, all the Co Pho Do (or transmission of the
message) would stop. Because the New Law was promulgated on June 1, 1927, the
Dao Phap section, Articles 09, 10, 11, regulated the initiation by the
administrative authority of the Cao Dai Church. God established the Church as
the Body of God to represent God in guiding the Believers, so when the Church
existed, God gave the right to receive Believers back to the Church.
Many people
misunderstand that the Dai-Dao Tam-Ky Pho-Do is Co Pho Do “Universal Salvation”
(so it is called the Phai Pho Do “Universal Salvation Sect”), and some people
also misunderstand that when God stopped the Co but truyen đao (transmission of
the Planchette), he stopped all the Planchette of the Cao Dai Religion, so they
do not accept the teachings of God after June 1927. Those are the people who
misunderstand the teachings of God. The professor can verify the meaning of Co
Pho Do “Universal Salvation”.
End of page 13
2/- Photos 1 and
2: The term of the Phap Mon.
This is the Letter
written by Mr. Ngo Van Chieu.
Photo 2:
3/- Photos 3, 4,
5: pages 138, 140,
148, Phap Mon has Ngoai giao cong truyen (external teachings transmitted
publicly) and Noi giao tam truyen (internal teachings transmitted mentally).
End of page 14
Page 140.
End of page 15
Page 148.
The end.